Memory management in Java

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In this article, we will see how does the Java programming language is doing memory management, we will look at registers, stack, heap, constants, non-ram memory, and the famous Java garbage collector. Let’s start with the fastest storage in Java the register. By Aleksandar Vasilevski.

Garbage Collector in Java is running in the background and looks into all objects that are in the memory to find out objects that are not referenced. Every unreferenced objects that are found are deleted so the space can be allocated for other objects. Unlike other languages such as C where memory allocation and deallocation it’s manually, in Java it’s done automatically by default.

The article explains in clear manner following:

  • Register
  • Stack
  • Heap
  • Constant
  • Non-RAM
  • Java Garbage Collector

Memory management in Java is a very interesting topic but very broad topic too, Java itself will manage the memory without major interventions by the programmer, but knowing how memory work in will give you the advantage of writing good and optimized code in terms of memory usage, finding and fixing memory leaks. The article also provides example code together with explanation how Java memory management would work on selected piece of code. Nice and informative!

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