An introduction to the automation test wheel

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As a software tester, I like thinking about testing a product from a number of different angles. Over the last few years I’ve learned about security testing and performance testing, and I’ve come to see how important those activities are in validating software quality. By Kristin Jackvony.

As testers, we should be validating the quality of the entire application. In thinking about how to incorporate all test types into a traditional testing workflow, author conceived of the idea of an Automation Test Wheel.

Automation test wheel


Each section of the wheel should be considered when you are creating a test automation strategy. Author included a GitHub repository showing a working example of each test type. Additionally, the “Read Me” section of each repository has a link to a blog post that describes how to run the tests.

The article is split into following parts:

  • The traditional approach: the test automation pyramid
  • The sections of the automation wheel
  • What about the test pyramid
  • What about manual testing?
  • Why are the sections of the wheel all the same size?
  • What about monkey testing, data-driven testing, etc.?
  • Designing a test strategy with the automation test wheel

And remember manual testing always has a place in the tester’s tool belt. Great read!

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