What are 4 golden signals for monitoring Kubernetes?

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Golden Signals are the meaningful data insights that we use for monitoring and observability of a system. They are the signals vs. noise that can help guide us towards what’s affecting the health of the environment. By Roland Wolters.

The main content you find in the article:

  • Signal vs. Noise
  • Golden Signals for Kubernetes Ops
  • Golden Signals and Kubernetes observability
  • Why is Observability in Kubernetes a multi-dimensional challenge?
  • The eBPF advantage for observability in Kubernetes
  • What can you do with observability and golden signals in Kubernetes?
  • Observability and Kubernetes beyond troubleshooting

Why does Kubernetes present challenges with finding the right signals? Kubernetes gives us a common level of abstraction so that developers can just deploy applications without needing to know everything about the underlying infrastructure. The same wondrous abstraction makes it complex and noisy to monitor what’s actually happening in the Kubernetes environment that is affecting our application.

The 4 golden signals for monitoring Kubernetes – latency, traffic, errors, and saturation – give us a broad coverage of important metrics from which we can derive the state of the environment, including health and utilization. Using eBPF for observability gives the deep insights without the resource overhead and operational complexity of agent-based, traditional, legacy monitoring tools. Nice one!

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