Optimizing Apache JVMs for Apache Kafka

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Java Virtual Machines (JVMs) impact Apache Kafka® performance in production. How can you optimize your event-streaming architectures so they process more Kafka messages using the same number of JVMs? Podcast by confluent.io.

Gil Tene (CTO and Co-Founder, Azul) delves into JVM internals and how developers and architects can use Java and optimized JVMs to make real-time data pipelines more performant and more cost effective, with use cases.

Improvements in JVMs aren’t yielded with a single stroke or in one day, but are rather the result of many smaller incremental optimizations over time, i.e. “half-percent” improvements that accumulate. Improving a JVM starts with a good engineering team, one that has thought significantly about how to make JVMs better. The team must continuously monitor metrics, and Gil mentions that his team tests optimizations against 400-500 different workloads (one of his favorite things to get into the lab is a new customer’s workload). Good listen!

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Tags performance programming jvm java