Web components

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Guide to web components by Vernes Pendić. Web components are one of the most useful, built-in, standardized (W3C), browser features added recently. This article will guide you through understanding what they are and how to use them.

Web components contain 4 sub-specifications that describe the available possibilities regarding DOM element manipulation. The first two, Custom elements and Shadow DOM, are more important and we’ll talk about them further.

The article content is split into:

  • Custom elements ⚙️
  • Shadow DOM 👻
  • Additional functionalities

As such not all browser vendors have taken advantage of all of its capabilities (list of browsers that support the specification) but with the help of polyfills, their use can be extended on the majority of browsers. There is also plethora of links to further resources and reading. Good read.

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Tags web-development css frontend miscellaneous open-source