The ultimate guide to redirects: URL redirections explained

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Redirects send users from one URL to another. The first URL is the one the user clicked, typed in, or otherwise requested. The second is the new destination URL. By Kelly Lyons, senior blog editor @ Semrush.

Redirections work pretty much the same way for search engines. They send search engines from one particular URL to another.

You will get thorough explanation of:

  • What are redirects?
  • Why are redirects important?
  • When to use redirects
  • Types of redirects
  • HTTP redirects
  • Meta refresh redirects
  • JavaScript redirects
  • How to implement redirects
  • 5 redirect best practices

When you set up a redirect, make sure that the new page’s content is a close match to the old page’s. For example, redirecting an expired specials page to your main specials page instead of your homepage makes a lot more sense. Google essentially skips over true 404 pages. This doesn’t happen with soft 404 errors, so it’s best to avoid them and fix any existing errors. Long and informative article!

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