Technical differences between WEB 2 and WEB 3: A developer's perspective

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Web2 refers to the internet’s second generation, in which websites and web applications are centralized. For many years, Web2 has been the standard, with a client-server architecture and data stored on central servers controlled by a few large corporations. By Nxtgen Virtue.

This centralized approach has drawbacks in terms of privacy, security, and data control. Web3, on the other hand, is a decentralized version of the internet in which users distribute and control data using blockchain technology. This improves transparency, security, and control over personal data.

In this article you will find information on differences in:

  • Protocols
  • Architecture
  • Data sharing
  • Data storage
  • Network
  • Security
  • Web applications

Web2 and Web3 differ significantly in terms of technical architecture, protocols, data sharing, storage, network structure, security, and application development, with Web3 representing a paradigm shift in terms of its technical architecture, protocols, data sharing, storage, network structure, security, and application development. Good read!

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