Increase availability & container images caching thanks to kube-image-keeper

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At Enix, we manage hundreds of Kubernetes clusters for our customers and our own internal use. On cloud, on premises, big and small, from development to production… And there is one particular issue that hits all these clusters at one point or another: the image retrieval process. By Nicolas Gouze.

Every Kubernetes administrator has faced, or will face, this issue sooner or later: you roll out an update to patch a security issue, fix a bug or rollback to a stable release after a faulty update. And then, surprise: on a few nodes of the cluster, some containers won’t start because the image can’t be pulled. The registry might be down, or having a bad day, or the image might have been removed, or you might be hitting your Docker Hub pull quota. Either way: you’re SOL (sadly out of luck).

Author walk you through describing the options that they considered before writing their own container image caching solution, then he’ll describe the architecture of their solution, and he’ll tell you how to get started with it:

  • Adventures, twists & turns before finding our target architecture!
  • kubernetes-image-puller: interesting idea, but not for us
  • An “out of the box” solution with kube-fledged?
  • Tugger in harmony with Harbor?
  • kuik, our image caching solution: Docker registry + dev!

A container image caching solution to ensure that any image, pulled at least once into our kubernetes cluster, gets saved to a reliable, trusted cache. Nice one!

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Tags docker devops containers distributed apis