Streaming analytics with Apache Pulsar and Spark structured streaming

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Apache Pulsar, a promising new toolkit for distributed messaging and streaming. In this piece we combine two of our favorite pieces of tech: Apache Pulsar and Apache Spark. By Daniel Ciocîrlan.

Apache Pulsar excels at storing event streams and performing lightweight stream computing tasks. It’s a great fit for long term storage of data and can also be used to store results to some downstream applications.

Stream processing is an important requirement in modern data infrastructures. Companies now aim to leverage the power of streaming and real-time analytics in order to provide results faster to their users in order to enhance the user experience and drive business value. Typically, streaming data pipelines require a streaming storage layer like Apache Pulsar or Apache Kafka, and then in order to perform more sophisticated stream processing tasks we need a stream compute engine like Apache Flink or Spark Structured Streaming.

The article main points are:

  • The role of Apache Pulsar in streaming data pipelines
  • Example use case: Real-time user engagement
  • Using the Apache Pulsar/Spark Connector

In this article we discussed the role of Apache Pulsar as a backbone of a modern data infrastructure, the streaming use cases Pulsar can support, and how you can use it along with Spark Structured Streaming to implement some more advanced stream processing use cases by leveraging the Pulsar Spark Connector. We also reviewed a real world use case, demonstrated a sample streaming data pipeline, and examined the role of Apache Pulsar and Spark Structured Streaming within the pipeline. Good read!

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Tags queues messaging big-data apache cio cloud analytics