State management in React

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The State is an important concept in React that stores data and displays the behavior of a component. People choose different approaches for managing State in React. The article delve into the basics of React State and different ways to manage it. By Vrushali Bhosale.

Updating the State of a component is easy. But what if you want to update it in child component? This is where it becomes tricky.

The article then explains in some depth:

  • What is State? And why do you need to manage it?
  • Tools of State management
    • Services
    • Redux
    • Mobx
    • Context API
    • Hooks

Complex applications lead to complex State management. Cases where multiple components need to be handled and could increase in time, you may choose any of the React State management tools. Since a simple and easy application is always desired, avoiding State management would be advised. Nice one!

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