Indexing and searching with Azure Functions and Search

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An article by Maarten Balliauw about parsing publicly available JSON data with Azure Functions (serverless). NuGet is the package manager for .NET. The NuGet client tools provide the ability to produce and consume packages.

In this blog post, author takes you though building a “reverse package search” that helps finding the correct NuGet package based on a public type. We will create a highly-scalable serverless search engine using Azure Functions and Azure Search that performs 3 tasks:

  • Listening for new packages on (using a custom binding)
  • Indexing packages in a distributed way
  • Exposing an API that accepts queries and gives our clients the best result

This blog post is accompanied with conference talk “Indexing and searching with Azure Functions and Search”. In case you prefer watching and listening, you can use the recording (captured at NDC Oslo 2019).

Long and detailed resource for anybody interested in serverless. Great read!

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Tags javascript web-development serverless nodejs azure