Pulsar advantages over Kafka

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Recently, author has been looking at Pulsar and how it compares to Kafka. A quick search will show you that there is a current war between the two most famous open source messaging systems. By Javier Ramos.

Author focuses on the Pulsar advantages and give you some reasons why you should consider it over Kafka. But let’s be clear, in terms of production usage, support, community, documentation, etc; Kafka clearly surpasses Pulsar according the author.

Pulsar is very flexible; it can act as a distributed log like Kafka or a pure messaging system like RabbitMQ. It has multiple types of subscriptions, several delivery guarantees, retention policies and several ways to deal with schema evolution. It also has a big list of features …

Pulsar architecture

Source: https://pulsar.apache.org/docs/en/concepts-architecture-overview/

The article then describes:

  • Kafka in a nutshell
  • Kafka pain points
  • Pulsar in a nutshell
  • Pulsar features
  • Pulsar hands-on
  • Akka streams example
  • Pulsar function example
  • Pulsar advantages
  • Pulsar cons
  • Pulsar use cases

Competition is good, it drives innovation. Kafka is a mature, resilient, and battle-tested product used all over the world with great success. However, Pulsar is still quite immature and I would be careful before introducing into production. Perform analysis, do benchmarks, research and write proof of concepts before incorporating Pulsar into your organization. Nice read!

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Tags apache devops queues event-driven messaging app-development