MySQL high availability framework explained – part one

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This is three-part blog series, in which author explains the details and functionality of a High Availability (HA) framework for MySQL hosting using MySQL semisynchronous replication and the Corosync plus Pacemaker stack. Published by Prasad Nagaraj VP Engineering at ScaleGrid.

The article dives into explaining what high availability means for the business. It describes components of HA framework and:

  • Redundancy in infrastructure & data
  • Failure detection & correction mechanism
  • Failover mechanism
  • Application / user redirection mechanism

Based on the above model, author uses the following HA framework for their MySQL hosting at ScaleGrid:

  • 3-Node Master-Slave setup using MySQL semisynchronous replication to provide infrastructure and data redundancy
  • Corosync plus Pacemaker stack to provide failure detection, correction, and failover mechanism
  • DNS mapping or Virtual IP component to provide the application and user redirection mechanism

Each component is then explained including schemas to depict the stack. Excellent!

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Tags mysql database software devops