Managing Active Directory Objects with Azure AD provider for Terraform

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Learn how to manage Active Directory Objects with Azure AD Provider for Terraform and see examples of how to authenticate and grant the correct permissions. By Adam Connelly.

The Azure AD provider for Terraform can be used to manage your Azure Active Directory resources declaratively. This allows you to do things like:

  • Automatically provision users and make sure they belong to the correct groups
  • Manage Azure compute permissions via Azure AD groups

In this post, you will learn what the Azure AD Terraform provider is used for, how to authenticate and grant permissions and see examples of what you can do with it:

  • Create a Group in Azure AD
  • Authenticate with Azure
  • Grant permissions
  • Assign API permissions
  • More examples

In this post, we have covered what the Azure AD Terraform provider is used for, how to authenticate and grant the correct permissions, as well as showing a few examples of what can be done with it. Nice one!

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