Jsonnet is better than YAML for generating JSON

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YAML is a well-known language for generating JSON files, but as we have been generating Docker Compose for integration tests, we’ve found Jsonnet to be better. Before we discuss both languages, keep in mind that this piece is strictly to discuss the use of each language when generating JSON. By Colin Mo.

The article walks over:

  • YAML pros
  • YAML cons
  • Jsonnet pros
  • Jsonnet cons
  • Examples

Jsonnet is a data serialization format and a programming language. As a superset of JSON, Jsonnet can parse any valid JSON file and add extra functionality to it. Jsonnet is specifically designed to easily work with JSON data, especially in large and complex projects, by providing features such as variables, conditionals, and loops.

On of disadvantage of YAML is its lack of support for certain types of data, such as dates and times. While YAML can handle numbers and strings, it does not have built-in support for more complex data types, which can make it more difficult to work with certain types of data. Interesting read!

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Tags json app-development programming web-development