Deno fresh WASM: Code modules in Rust

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Deno Fresh WASM is pretty easy to set up, just by adding a single dependency to your project. This lets you write code in Rust, compile it to WASM and then use that generated module in your Deno project. By Rodney Lab.

The article then covers:

  • Setting up the project for Rust WASM
  • Rust code
  • Deno Fresh WASM: Rust source
  • Compiling the module
  • Using the module

In the post we have had a whistle-stop tour of setting up your first Deno WASM project. In particular, we saw how to use wasmbuild to quickly add a Rust WASM module to your Deno project, how to add console logs in your WASM Rust code, some basic Rust image manipulation. Excellent read with code in GitHub repo provided!

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