How to create a great user experience with React, TypeScript, and React Testing Library

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This post is my attempt to illustrate a Proof of Concept (PoC) author built to try out some ideas. Primarily author wanted to understand more about how to create great product experiences. By TK.

When we say high-quality software, this can mean so many different things. But we wanted to focus on three parts:

  • Clean Code: Strive to write human-readable code that is easy to read and simple to maintain. Separate responsibility for functions and components.
  • Good test coverage: It’s actually not about coverage. It’s about tests that cover important parts of components’ behavior without knowing too much about implementation details.
  • Consistent state management: The need to build with software that enables the app to have consistent data. Predictability is important.

Library called tsdx was used to sey up all the Typescript configuration. It’s mainly used to build packages.

This is the first part of this project to learn more about user experience, native APIs, typed frontend, and tests. Project is centered around building 2 pages - home page and the search page displaying product lists. Plenty of links to further resources together with many code examples documenting the whole journey. Nice one!

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Tags ux web-development tdd app-development react javascript javascript