Getting started with Knative in Scala

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Knative is an open source project that extends Kubernetes by providing a set of middleware components simplifying deploying, running, and managing serverless applications. By Boris Lublinsky.

While there are many Knative examples for Knative serving and Knative eventing, it is hard to find examples written in Scala. In this blog post (and corresponding code on GitHub), we’lll fill in this gap by providing some Knative examples in Scala.

Knative Serving supports deploying and serving serverless applications and functions. It is built on top of Kubernetes and Istio, is easy to get started with, and scales to support advanced scenarios.

This guide then describes:

  • How to Install Knative
  • Knative Serving examples
  • gRPC services with Knative
  • gRPC services with Knative
  • Knative Eventing examples

In this post, we explored both Knative serving and eventing, highlighting many provided interaction patterns. And you will get detailed example how to use Scala and Akka for implementation of Knative Service, event consumers and custom event producers. Great read!

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Tags scala serverless devops kubernetes programming software-architecture