How container networking affects database performance

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An article by Percona team about building and releasing Operators for Kubernetes to run traditional databases in a cloud-native fashion. They released Percona Server for MongoDB and Percona XtraDB Cluster; they were chosen because they both feature replication systems that can be made to work effectively in a containerized world.

The article is split into:

  • Benchmark methodology
  • What CNI plugins we tested
    • Project Calico
    • Flannel
    • Cilium
    • Weave (weave-net)
    • Intel SR-IOV and Multus
    • Kube-Router

For full results please click to the original article. One very interesting result was how strong the correlation was between network throughput, as measured by iPerf3, and database throughput, as measured by sysbench. You will also get video with a talk on the topic. Nice one!

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Tags database mysql performance devops kubernetes