Getting started with Jenkins X

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Dave Johnson wrote blog post about starting with Jenkins X. Jenkins X provides continuous integration, automated testing, and continuous delivery to Kubernetes.Jenkins X-managed projects get a complete CI/CD process with a Jenkins pipeline that builds and packages project code for deployment to Kubernetes and access to pipelines for promoting projects to staging and production environments.

This article is a high-level explanation of how Jenkins X works; it assumes you have some knowledge of Kubernetes and classic Jenkins.

When you deploy Jenkins X, a number of services are put in motion to watch your Git repositories and respond by building, testing, and promoting your applications to staging, production, and other environments you define.

Jenkins X also deploys a set of supporting services, including Jenkins, Docker Registry, Chart Museum, and Monocular to manage Helm charts, and Nexus, which serves as a Maven and npm repository.

Blog post is split into brief high level description of:

  • Creating a new project with Jenkins X
  • Importing your existing projects into Jenkins X
  • Promoting your project to production
  • Other features of Jenkins X (preview environments, extensions, serverless)
  • Jenkins X limitations

Using Jenkins X is also a good way to learn about some useful open source tools for deploying to Kubernetes, including Helm, Draft, Skaffold, Prow, and more… Great!

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