Difference between Stack and Queue in Data Structure

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Quick summary from Aniruddha Chaudhari about Stack and Queue. With stack and queue data structures, it is very easy to solve even complex programming questions.

For the sake of simplicity, author define stack and queue as the collections of the objects, just like an array in the data structure.

What is a Stack?

The stack is a data structure where the user can add a data object any time. But, the user can only remove the data which is added at last. The stack follows LIFO (Last In First Out) mechanism.

What is a Queue?

The queue is a data structure where the user can add data object at any time. But the user can only remove the data which is added first. Unlike stack, the queue follows FIFO (First In First Out) mechanism.

The article then also explains:

  • When to Use Stack vs Queue?
  • Difference Between Stack and Queue by their operations
  • Push Operation on Stack
  • POP Operation on Stack
  • Enqueue operation on Queue
  • Dequeue operation on Queue
  • Memory Usage Comparison of Stack and Queue

… and more. Stack and queue have similarity as they stores the collection of data objects. Good read!

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