Creating a load-balanced web service on cloud with Ansible

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Alex Callejas from RedHat wrote quick tutorial about Ansible as a tool for creating of load-balanced web service on cloud. Through a practical example, author will show how to automate creation of one of the most basic web services, with three instances of Apache as a backend and a load balancer as frontend.

The infrastructure is deployed on Google Cloud Platform and the link to the Guide is provided. The creation of ssh keys is also explains.

The article is divided in three sections:

  • Prerequisites
  • The role (bare metal or virtual machines)
  • The playbooks

Article will help you to create (or re-use) playbooks to manage a task that would normally take an admin an hour or more if done manually.

You will create:

  • The firewall rule to allow http traffic to our instances, and
  • Load balancing instance
  • 3 instances based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7

Code is provided together with video describing each step. Excellent article and tutorial, especially for admins new to DevOps, automation and orchestration.

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Tags ansible programming devops