AWS CodePipeline to Deploy Docker App from Github

Click for: original source published this straight to the point tutorial describing how to use Amazon Web Services CodePipeline to deploy and build your app automatically when it is stored on Github as a Docker-based Beanstalk application.

Roughly speaking, CI/CD amount to having an automatic pipeline that compiles, builds, tests and optionally deploys your project every time a new version is finished. This goes hand in hand with philosophies such as agile development and microservices architectures.

Tutorial then describes:

  • AWS CodePipeline consisting of 3 parts
  • Config files for build definition
  • A file specifying where to fetch the Docker image file, which you will use on ElasticBeanstalk
  • How to setup CodePipeline pipeline
  • How to create a repository for your Docker images on AWS ECR
  • How to configure Buildspec.yml and

Article also lists other resources to help you with the task in your hands.

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Tags containers aws docker