Tag: Serverless
Introducing DBOS cloud: Transactional serverless computing on a cloud-native OS
Posted on April 18, 2024, Level beginner Resource Length short
The idea for DBOS (DataBase oriented Operating System) originated 3 years ago with my realization that the state an operating system must maintain (files, processes, threads, messages, etc.) has increased in size by about 6 orders of magnitude since I began using Unix on a PDP-11/40 in 1973. By Mike Stonebraker.
Tags cloud database serverless cio
Build an API for your front end using Pages Functions
Posted on April 17, 2024, Level intermediate Resource Length short
In this tutorial, you will build a full-stack Pages application. Your application will contain a front end, built using Cloudflare Pages and the React framework and a JSON API, built with Pages Functions, that returns blog posts that can be retrieved and rendered in your front end. By @cloudflare.com.
Tags cloud microservices serverless software-architecture apis devops
Ten real-world use cases of serverless technology
Posted on March 21, 2024, Level beginner Resource Length short
Serverless solutions keep attracting the attention of companies from different business domains. And it isn't surprising if you look at serverless architecture examples. Giants like BMW, Netflix, Slack, and Coca-Cola use serverless architecture. And in each case, it drove significant benefits. By Kyrylo Kozak.
Tags cloud miscellaneous serverless cio management
Mastering AWS API Gateway V2 HTTP and AWS Lambda with Terraform
Posted on February 16, 2024, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
The article provides insights into using AWS API Gateway and AWS Lambda with Terraform for efficient, cost-effective serverless solutions. This article aims to be a comprehensive guide for developers and DevOps professionals looking to master serverless solutions using AWS and Terraform. By Serhii Vasylenko.
Tags devops serverless apis app-development aws
Implementing serverless architecture in React Native apps
Posted on February 10, 2024, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
Application development methodologies are continually evolving. Among the most groundbreaking shifts we've seen recently is the transition toward serverless architecture. By Clara Ekekenta.
Tags serverless ios app-development android miscellaneous web-development
Demystifying Canary release and Blue-Green deployment
Posted on January 22, 2024, Level beginner Resource Length medium
In a rapidly evolving digital transformation landscape, the success of software-based businesses often hinges on their ability to deliver new features seamlessly and efficiently. Two key strategies that have gained significant traction in this context are canary releases and blue-green deployments. This article aims to thoroughly understand these essential software deployment techniques, highlighting their advantages, challenges, and best practices.. By [x]cube LABS.
Tags devops serverless open-source cloud cicd
What is a serverless database? Plus 8 picks for 2024
Posted on January 21, 2024, Level beginner Resource Length medium
Today, we're diving deep into serverless databases as one solution for aligning these goals. Specifically, we'll check out what they are, how they work, and what benefits they offer. See, when we build any kind of solution, a big portion of the cost is the infrastructure we use to store and host relevant data. This also has an outsized impact on the quality and success of whatever we're building. By Ronan McQuillan.
Tags nosql serverless open-source distributed database
How to centralize CloudWatch Alarms with Amazon EventBridge and AWS CloudFormation
Posted on January 2, 2024, Level intermediate Resource Length long
Amazon CloudWatch lets customers collect monitoring and operational data in the form of logs, metrics, and events, providing an easy way to monitor and receive notifications regarding their workload health and often integrate directly with other systems, such as JIRA Service Desk and ServiceNow. By Chaitanya Gummadi.
Tags serverless event-driven web-development app-development software-architecture
A developer workflow for modern AWS serverless applications
Posted on January 1, 2024, Level intermediate Resource Length long
Modern serverless applications on AWS are complex with a lot of moving parts. Mapping a developer workflow onto those applications can be difficult. This article discusses the developer workflow I have developed for complex serverless applications at aleph0, with example CloudFormation template and GitHub Action snippets to illustrate the concepts. By Andy Boothe.
Tags serverless web-development app-development software-architecture
AWS Lambda functions now scale 12 times faster when handling high-volume requests.
Posted on December 11, 2023, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
Now AWS Lambda scales up to 12 times faster. Each synchronously invoked Lambda function now scales by 1,000 concurrent executions every 10 seconds until the aggregate concurrency across all functions reaches the account's concurrency limit. By Marcia Villalba.
Tags serverless web-development event-driven performance
Protecting serverless applications with AWS WAF
Posted on June 20, 2023, Level beginner Resource Length medium
Since serverless is designed to scale to infinity, one of the questions we get asked very often is whether a DDoS attack on the serverless application can result in a hefty Cloud Bill. One way to prevent this is to have rate limiting on API Gateway in place so that the serverless application doesn't scale to unexpected levels and end up using all underlying resources. By Vishwasa Navada K.
Tags serverless cloud infosec aws
How to use Azure functions with MongoDB Atlas in Java
Posted on May 15, 2023, Level beginner Resource Length medium
In this article, we are going write the function as a service (FaaS) — i.e., a serverless function that will interact with data via a database, to produce meaningful results. FaaS can also be very useful in A/B testing when you want to quickly release an independent function without going into actual implementation or release. By Mohit Sharma.
Tags nosql java azure serverless