Zero downtime Laravel deployments with Laravel Deployer and Github Actions

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Michael Brooks is author of this blog post about Github actions and how they can automate your entire workflow. From building your assets to running your testing and deployment strategies.

Github Actions is very similar to other services such as TravisCI, CircleCI, GitLab Pipelines etc, but if you already have your projects on GitHub, then it makes sense to get Actions working as well.

The article then deals with:

  • Setting up Github Actions
  • Scaffolding the workflow
  • Defining our jobs
  • Building your JavaScript and CSS assets

Jobs are individual runners or tasks and one job can depend on another. This means if a job fails, and the next one depended on that job, then it won’t run. For example, before we can test our app, we need to ensure our assets are built and if we need all tests to pass before deployment, then we need to ensure that runs successfully too. Perfect!

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