Why and how to replace end-to-end tests with synthetic monitors

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An older article about potential alternative to classic end-to-end tests: synthetic monitors. A thousand tests can’t prove your software works. They can only prove it doesn’t. When your code reaches production, even the most thorough end-to-end tests can’t prevent your users from seeing that “500 - Unexpected Server Error” screen that keeps you awake at night. By Lucas da Costa.

Author will describe how you can use Elastic’s Synthetic Monitors to help you build software that “works on your machine” and everyone else’s, both before and after your code reaches production. Further in the article:

  • Why can’t end-to-end tests prove your software works and what can you do about it?
  • Writing your first synthetic journeys
  • Running Synthetics Journeys on CI
  • Setting up Synthetic Monitors through Kibana
  • Automatically updating monitors and running tests against multiple environments

Kibana is shipping with many improvements to Elastic’s Synthetics, including, for example, a script recorder, which will make it easier for professionals other than developers to create journeys. Interesting read!

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