What web frameworks solve and how to do without them

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In this article, Noam Rosenthal dives deep into a few technical features that are common across frameworks, and explains how some of the different frameworks implement them and what they cost. By Noam Rosenthal.

I was interested to see what are the commonalities and differences between the frameworks, what the web platform has to offer as a leaner alternative, and whether it’s sufficient. My objective is not to bash frameworks, but rather to understand the costs and benefits, to determine whether an alternative exists, and to see whether we can learn from it, even if we do decide to use a framework.

The article the dives on:

  • The frameworks (React, SolidJS, Svelte, Lit)
  • What frameworks solve
    • Declarative programming
    • Data binding
    • Reactivity
    • Logic
    • Component model
  • The cost
    • Bundle size
    • Build
    • Debugging
    • Upgrades

In the article author dived a bit deeper into understanding the core problems frameworks try to solve and how they go about solving them, focusing on data-binding, reactivity, conditionals and lists. We also looked at the cost. Good read!

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Tags frontend frameworks javascript app-development performance