What is the difference between tech debt and code debt?

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The article explains the difference between code debt and technical debt, two concepts that are often used in software development. Code debt refers to the potential cost that developers incur when they take shortcuts or implement quick fixes during the coding process, such as hard coding values, duplicate coding, or using deprecated libraries. By Sofia Jürgenson.

The article also discusses:

  • Understanding code debt
  • Decoding technical debt
  • How code debt and technical debt
  • Addressing code debt and technical debt:
    • Prioritize regular code refactoring
    • Adopt agile methodologies
    • Incorporate debt into the definition of done
    • Implement automated testing and continuous integration
    • Document everything
  • Code debt and technical debt management with no-code platforms

Good documentation is vital for managing technical debt. It forms a knowledge base that provides understanding about the system, making it easier to maintain and upgrade existing functionalities and technologies. Good read!

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