Watch hybrid work: It's complicated

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We’re all rooting for a happy medium with WFH and RTO, but to succeed, take note of these takeaways from 2020. By Jon Arnold.

All the vendors are talking about it now, and while we have the technology to make the hybrid model work, it’s complicated. This isn’t like re-tooling the shop floor of an auto plant — not every workplace task can be automated, and not all productivity inputs can be measured. The great thing about automation is having continuous workflows that need little attention once up and running, but workers have lives to live, and each is coping with the pandemic in their own way.

On paper, the hybrid model sounds like — and is — the best way to balance many needs for what we call work in the current environment. Throughout 2020, the pendulum swung far to normalize WFH, and now we know that experiment has worked well for some, and not so well for others.

The article then deals with:

  • Be careful what you wish for
  • study — Takeaway #1: WFH is a mixed bag
  • study — Takeaway #2: More meetings doesn’t mean more productivity
  • Microsoft study — Takeaway #1: High productivity comes with a high price
  • Microsoft study — Takeaway #2: The ties that bind … until they don’t

business leaders need to recognize that the hybrid work model is more than a matter of deploying the right UC platform. There are many lessons to be learned from these studies and the 2020 baseline data, and while hybrid checks a lot of boxes for both workers and employers, again, it’s complicated. Nice one!

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