Using Terraform to deploy to EKS

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Historically, companies have been restricted to manual solutions for maintaining IT infrastructure—but Infrastructure as Code (IaC) offers a different solution. By Lukonde Mwila.

With the rise of cloud and automation technology, as well as DevOps practices, it’s become simpler, more efficient, and reliable to provision complex infrastructure. Cloud providers like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform, and Microsoft Azure allow APIs to facilitate automation of resources in their environments. Your application’s underlying infrastructure and configuration can now be automated and versioned using code.

The article will take you through:

  • The Advantages of Using Terraform
  • The Disadvantage of Using Terraform
  • Provisioning an EKS Cluster Using Terraform
  • Networking Infrastructure with VPC
  • VPC
  • Subnets, Internet Gateway, NAT Gateway, and Custom Route Table
  • Security Groups
  • Variables for Network Resources
  • EKS Cluster with Managed Node Groups

… and more. Yuo will also get required yaml files for spinning up the reference infrastructure in the tutorial.

A managed Kubernetes cluster like EKS eliminates the complexity and overhead for software teams to provision and optimize control planes. Automation technology like IaC enhances the infrastructure management lifecycle with a host of benefits. However, Kubernetes cluster management in AWS can have significant cost implications if there are no tools in place to provide relevant insight, monitoring, and reporting for optimal usage. Good read!

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Tags cloud containers gcp devops kubernetes