Understanding Android Gradle build

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Ɓukasz Wasylkowski article about Android Gradle builds. In his post he’ll write, step by step, Gradle configuration files for a single Android project in order to take some of the magic away.

Gradle is an open-source build automation system that builds upon the concepts of Apache Ant and Apache Maven and introduces a Groovy-based domain-specific language (DSL) instead of the XML form used by Apache Maven for declaring the project configuration.

The article will guide you through following:

  • Groovy syntax used in Gradle files
  • Closures – lambdas on steroids
  • Script files
    • build scripts in build.gradle files
    • settings scripts in settings.gradle files
    • init scripts used for global configuration (executed against Gradle instance)
  • Projects

Author also describes how to go about creating a Gradle projects and configure Android subproject with code examples and supporting illustrations. Also how to deal with extensions, dependencies, flavors, build types, signing configurations. Gradle files aren’t that magical after all. Nice!

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