Understand TensorFlow by mimicking its API from scratch

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An article by Dominic Elm about learning TensorFlow. TensorFlow is a very powerful and open source library for implementing and deploying large-scale machine learning models.

Over the years TensorFlow has become one of the most popular libraries for deep learning. The author’s goal was to build an intuition and understanding for how deep learning libraries work under the hood, specifically TensorFlow.

TensorFlow is a framework composed of two core building blocks – a library for defining computational graphs and a runtime for executing such graphs on a variety of different hardware.

You will then also get more information on:

  • Computational graphs
  • TensorFlow basics (variables, placeholders, constants, operations, graph, session)
  • Implementing TensorFlow’s API from scratch

All that in details with many supporting charts, graphs and example code. Happy data science!

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Tags programming big-data big-data learning machine-learning