Ten years of Erlang

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The experience and opinion on Erlang form developer joining Erlang community about 10 years ago. The author covers a few things such as hype phases and how this related to Erlang, the ladder of ideas within the language and how that can impact adoption, what changed in his ten years here, and he’ll finish up with what he thinks Erlang still has to bring to the programming community at large.

The article is split:

  • The hype phase
  • The ladder of ideas, it might look like this:
    • Functional programming
    • Isolated processes and concurrency
    • Reliable concurrency (links, monitors, timeouts)
    • OTP behaviours and other system abstractions
    • How to structure OTP systems
    • How to build releases and handle their life cycle
    • How to never take the system down, and how to operate it
  • What changed
  • Where Erlang goes

Multicore support is now good in Erlang. It used to be that past 2-4 cores, things would start to hit all kinds of bottlenecks that were out of your control as an application developer. Good read!

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Tags programming software-architecture functional-programming