SSH tunneling explained

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In this post author will cover different tunneling features as supported by OpenSSH, which helps achieve security use cases such as remote web service access without exposing port on the internet, accessing server behind NAT, exposing local port to the internet. OpenSSH is the most widely used open-source SSH server. It comes pre-installed by default with the vast majority of Linux distributions. By Sakshyam Shah.

If you are looking for a modern open-source alternative to OpenSSH that is optimized for elastic multi-cloud environments and supports other access protocols in addition to SSH, make sure to check out Teleport.

The article then pays attention to:

  • What is SSH tunnelling?
  • Local port forwarding
  • Dynamic port forwarding
  • SSH TUN/TAP tunneling
  • Bonus - SSH tunnel over TOR
  • Security concerns of SSH tunnelling

SSH Remote port forwarding


Although the default behavior of an SSH server is to return a remote server’s shell over an encrypted channel, SSH supports sending and receiving binary data over SSH. Transporting arbitrary data streams over SSH sessions is also known as SSH tunneling. Very good!

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