Sprint goal template

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The Sprint Goal is mentioned numerous times in the Scrum Guide, however it can be overlooked by many teams or seen as an “oh yeah” moment when teams are finishing Sprint Planning. By Steve Trapps.

When I started out in a Scrum Team we never really had a Sprint Goal, our focus tended to be looking at the items in the backlog then saying “Get that done and that one, if not all of them!”… Teams I have worked in have struggled to create a meaningful goal, i.e. one that people can read and easily understand without it being too prescriptive on what the team needs to do.

One purpose of the Sprint Goal is to provide focus to the Development Team during the Sprint. If the goal is just a set of items to complete then chances are the team will work in isolation from each other, as each person works on an item with potentially the team pulling in different directions. – Not a great place to be in!

Follow the link to original article to actually see the well tested template. Excellent!

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