Spinning with Swift

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Swift is a great language for creating Spin applications. This tutorial walks through the process of installing SwiftWasm, building a simple Wagi app, and then running it in Spin. Spin is a framework for building and running event-driven microservice applications with WebAssembly (Wasm) components. With Spin, we’re trying to make it easier to get started with using WebAssembly on the server so that we can all take advantage of the security, portability, and speed WebAssembly provides when it comes to running microservices. By Matt Butcher.

The article then describes in some detail:

  • Setting up Swift for WebAssembly
  • Creating a new Swift program
  • The getEnvVar function
  • The top-level code
  • Running the code
  • The getName function
  • Calling our functions
  • Compiling and running our code

… and more. Thanks to the hard work of the SwiftWasm community, Swift is turning out to be an excellent language for WebAssembly development. In this article, we’ve created a simple Spin application in Swift, compiled it to WebAssembly with WASI, and then executed it as a Swift Wagi application. Nice one!

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