Simplify state machines and statecharts with JavaScript

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Let’s look at managing application state from a different perspective. If you’re a frontend developer or a backend developer, you probably deal with state management daily. XState is a JavaScript/TypeScript implementation of the finite state machine and statecharts that will make your life easier. By Michal Sevcik @nearform.

The article describes:

  • The what, why and how of state machines
  • What are state machines?
  • What are statecharts?
  • What are the benefits?
  • Meet the XState
  • Usage with React
  • State machines diagrams

The difference between state machines and statecharts is that you can organise states in a hierarchy with statecharts. Simply put, you can create sub-states by nesting state machines.

State machines are a common way of describing states in a business process. They are an excellent communication tool because they are generally understood (or can be learned) by people with non-developer backgrounds. And diagrams certainly communicate information better than text. Good read!

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Tags javascript frontend app-development web-development react