Setting up Nix on macOS

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I recently bought a Macbook because more and more people are asking me how to use Nix in certain situations under MacOS. In this article, we walk through installing Nix on MacOS and see how pleasant the experience is these days. In this article, we walk through installing Nix on MacOS and see how pleasant the experience is these days. After that, we show how to go declarative on MacOS with nix-darwin to enable compilation for Linux and Intel Macs, as well as some other nice features. By Jacek Galowicz.

In this guide you will learn:

  • Why would one want to have Nix on a Mac?
  • Step 1: Installing Nix on macOS
  • Step 2: Going declarative with nix-darwin
    • Additional nix-darwin goodies
    • Unlocking sudo via fingerprint
    • Setting System Defaults
    • Apple Silicon Macs: Compile Intel Binaries
    • Building Linux binaries
  • Updating the System

Some Apple fans might like setting up a new system each time, but most of us want things to be simple and in sync. Good read!

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