Serverless Service Mesh with Knative and Linkerd

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Charles Pretzer wrote this piece about how to use Linkerd with Knative. Two of the most popular serverless platforms for Kubernetes are Knative and OpenFaaS, and there’s a lot of existing content on using Linkerd and OpenFaaS together.

While the first version of Knative required Istio, in recent Knative releases they have removed this requirement. Author will show you how to add Linkerd to your Knative installation to automatically provide both mTLS (mutual TLS) and comprehensive metrics to your Knative services and system components.

The following steps are described in the article:

  • Setup
  • Install Knative Serving
  • Install Ambassador
  • Running a Simple Knative Service
  • Installing the Linkerd Service Mesh
  • Inject the Linkerd Proxy

.. and more. Plenty of CLI examples included. The Ambassador API Gateway (Kubernetes API Gateway + Layer 7 Load Balancer + Kubernetes Ingress and more) handles ingress traffic to a Kubernetes cluster. In this example, we will use Ambassador as a simple Kubernetes Ingress to the KinD cluster. Sweet!

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Tags serverless kubernetes devops gcp containers