Serverless deployments with Knative

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Knative is a Kubernetes based tool to deploy and manage serverless workloads and this guide will look at the way how to use it. By Anaïs Urlichs, site reliability engineer.

Kubernetes is great for running stateless applications. As we are moving to the cloud and containers to manage our microservice infrastructure, our goal is to spend less time maintaining our infrastructure resources and more time to develop features and improve our application.

The guide further describes:

  • Knative use cases
  • Setting up Istio for traffic management
  • Installing Knative Serving on Civo
  • Connecting Istio and Knative
  • Deploying the first version of our stateless application
  • Observability in our deployments
  • Updating our Deployment

To get insights into our metrics from Istio, author will show you how to install Prometheus and Grafana. Note that you are gonna use the quick installation from the Istio documentation. You will get detailed explanation of each step plus code sampled to go with it. Very good!

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Tags serverless kubernetes containers app-development containers devops