Serverless API on AWS, Azure and GCP - Deployment and benchmark

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In this article, author has created a serverless Express API and deployed it on AWS, Azure, and GCP to evaluate each platform’s performance. After conducting load tests using K6, I found that Azure and AWS performed comparably well (slightly better for Azure), while GCP lagged due to significant cold starts (up to 5 seconds when speaking to a Database). By AurĂ©lien BETTINI.

While creating an Express API for a personal project, I wondered if it was possible to deploy it on multiple Clouds. Having the flexibility to link my website to whichever platform offers the best service for my project would be advantageous. For example, choosing Azure if I wanted to access Azure OpenAI Service.

The article main parts:

  • Why serverless?
  • The API
  • API deployment
    • Deployment on AWS
    • Deployment on GCP
    • Deployment on Azure
  • Database deployment
  • Load testing with K6
  • Location parameter
  • Function parameters
  • K6 parameters
  • Results (/newsletter API) function + databases

On the deployment side, it was quite fun to deploy the same Serverless application on multiple Clouds. You can definitely transfer your knowledges from one to another. GCP and AWS looks really similar and deploying the app on both was pretty fast. Azure, on the other end, has some different concepts. Good read!

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Tags apis app-development azure gcp aws