Save yourself a lot of pain (and money) by choosing your AWS Region wisely

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Choosing an AWS region is the first decision you have to make when you set up your AWS components. You can’t do anything in the AWS Management Console, SDK or CLI without choosing a region. Most AWS customers choose one based on proximity to themselves or to their end users, which sounds like a sensible thing to do. Price calculations using AWS Price List API (2021-05-26). By Ernesto Marquez.

However, proximity alone is not enough. There are a lot of other factors to consider when choosing a region. Cost varies by region - choose the wrong one and you could end up paying a lot more. Author uses the AWS Price List API a lot. He uses it to programmatically calculate the cost of every configuration he makes. For some regions, it’s not difficult to find a 30% or 70% price difference compared to the cheapest AWS region.

Cost % comparison by AWS region: 1 m5.large EC2 instance per month - 720 hours, prices in May 2021


It is also worth noting that:

  • Reserved EC2 Instance Cost and Savings vary by region
  • Regions have different latencies and data transfer speeds
  • Consider the type of resource that is most important to you (i.e. compute, data transfer, latency, storage, etc.)
  • Not all services are available in all regions (some take a VERY long time before they are)
  • Not all regions have the same number of Availability Zones
  • All data transfer between AWS regions costs the same, except for one region (Ohio)

You would pay $0.02 per GB of data transferred to any region in the world, except Ohio. For Ohio, you would pay $0.01 per GB.

As you can see, there are a lot of factors to consider when choosing the right AWS region. Not everything is about proximity to your end users. Choosing your AWS region wisely can save you the pain of overspending thousands of dollars and potentially hindering the growth of your applications. For detailed charts and breakdown of costs follow the link to the full article. Excellent!

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