Rust vs Go

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Which is better, Rust or Go? Which language should you choose for your next project, and why? How do the two compare in areas like performance, simplicity, safety, features, scale, and concurrency? By John Arundel.

First, it’s really important to say that both Go and Rust are absolutely excellent programming languages. They’re modern, powerful, widely-adopted, and offer excellent performance.

Go provides a lightweight alternative: goroutines. Each goroutine is an independently executing Go function, which the Go scheduler will map to one of the OS threads under its control. This means that the scheduler can very efficiently manage a large number of concurrent goroutines, using only a limited number of OS threads.

The article content is split into:

  • Rust and Go are both awesome
  • The similarities
  • Performance
  • Simplicity
  • Features
  • Concurrency
  • Safety
  • Scale
  • The differences

We’ve said that both Go and Rust produce extremely fast programs because they’re compiled to native machine code, without having to go through an interpreter or virtual machine. However, Rust’s performance is particularly outstanding. Rust allows you to create complex abstractions without paying a performance penalty at run-time. Good read!

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Tags programming golang cio code-refactoring software performance