Running Concourse-based CD on Azure Kubernetes

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Roman Alekseenkov published this straightforward tutorial about getting Concourse based continous delivery running on Azure Kubernetes. The author guides you through what it takes to stand up and operate your own full CD stack on Kubernetes.

Concourse is an open-source continuous thing-doer. You can think of a pipeline as a distributed, higher-level, continuously-running Makefile.

Their deployment contains: 60 CD pipelines, 400 jobs, deployed on Kubernetes, Git is the source of truth for everything — configuration, application data, CD pipelines, and pipeline tasks.

The author then describes architecture and open source components they use with Concourse being the main engine for CD pipelines and Vault as a backend for secrets:

  • CD - Concourse
  • Secrets - Vault (with Consul as a backend)
  • Monitoring & Alerting - Grafana, Prometheus, InfluxDB w/ Telegraf
  • Logging & Alerting — Kibana, Elasticsearch w/ Elastalert
  • Misc - Chartmuseum, Letsencrypt Certificate Manager

For full code and detailed guide with charts and further resources follow the link to original tutorial. Very nice!

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Tags web-development devops azure software-architecture cicd