The Role of APM in DevOps and SRE Practices

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As the software development world becomes faster, enterprises must adapt to customer demands by increasing their application’s deployment frequency. They often rely on DevOps and Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) methodologies to achieve this. These approaches ensure high system availability amidst frequent deployments and prioritize delivering a seamless user experience. By Keren Feldsher.

This article explores the indispensable role of APM in driving the success of DevOps and SRE teams, highlighting its key capabilities, benefits, and use cases for businesses including:

  • What is Application Performance Monitoring (APM)?
  • Why do you need APM?
  • How DevOps and SRE facilitate reliable systems
  • APM: Unlocking superpowers for DevOps and SRE
  • Selecting the right APM solution

By providing comprehensive insights into application and infrastructure performance, APM empowers teams to identify and address issues proactively, fine-tune system performance, and deliver exceptional user experiences. Whether the goal is facilitating continuous delivery within DevOps frameworks or upholding service reliability in SRE practices, APM is essential for an efficient, resilient, and reliable system. Nice one!

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Tags web-development app-development monitoring devops