The REST API Handbook – How to build, test, consume, and document REST APIs

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This tutorial aims to show you an example of how you can fully implement a REST API. We’ll cover basic setup and architecture with Node and Express, unit testing with Supertest, seeing how we can consume the API from a React front-end app and finally documenting the API using tools such as Swagger. By Germán Cocca.

Keep in mind we won’t go too deep into how each technology works. The goal here is to give you a general overview of how a REST API works, how its pieces interact, and what a full implementation might consist of. In the article you will find information on:

  • What is REST?
  • How to Build a REST API with Node and Express
  • How to Test a REST API with Supertest
  • How to Consume a REST API on a Front-end React App
  • How to Document a REST API with Swagger

RESTful APIs are designed to be simple, scalable, and flexible. They are often used in web and mobile applications, as well as in Internet of Things (IoT) and microservices architectures. Good read!

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