Prooph, top enterprise aware PHP CQRS and Event Sourcing components

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Prooph is an enterprise-ready PHP CQRS and Event Sourcing packages for PHP with support for the most famous PHP web frameworks. If you are not familiar with CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation), it’s first described by Greg Young in 2010 and it’s basically a design pattern used in enterprise and microservices architecture to separate read and writes in your data layer. By Hatem Ben Yacoub.

Prooph come with awesome features, its components are a set of loosely coupled php packages that can be composed to a powerful toolbox. However you may find it a bit complex in the beginning.

Prooph PHP CQRS features

  • Event Sourcing: It is different than what you’ve learned. Explore a fresh new way of designing and developing software with a clear focus on intent, behaviour and domain events.
  • Event-Store: Turn your traditional database into a full-featured event store. No new technology stack required. No magic involved. Just another way to organize and manage data.
  • Snapshot-Store: High-performance write operations without losing the simplicity and scalability of PHP’s Shared Nothing Architecture in an event centric system.
  • Persistent Projections: With persistent projections you can feed event streams directly into read-optimized databases that serve your data at the speed of light.
  • CQRS Service-Bus: Message-based communication between different parts of a system is the basic building block for scalable and maintainable enterprise software.
  • Message Queue: Shift work to background jobs, manage long-running business processes and handle high traffic with seamless message queue integrations.
  • Framework and Database supported: It support Zend Framework, Symfony and Laravel, in addition to the databases MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, ArangoDB, Redis, and finally the Messaging systems ZeroMQ, RabbitMQ and Bernard.

You will get code examples, link to youtube video witth Oliver Sturm talk at the International PHP conference about CQRS and Event Sourcing and more. Prooph is an open source software released under a BSD version 3 license. More information at Good read!

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Tags php web-development open-source app-development