Performance optimization techniques in Angular

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The performance of any application plays a vital role in the growth of the business. As it is a high-performing front-end framework, we face challenges optimizing the performance. The major performance issues are the decline in traffic, decrement in engagement, high bounce rate, and crashing of applications in high usage. By

Further in this article:

  • How Angular compiles and its performance?
  • What are the types of Compilation and its description?
  • Why performance optimization is necessary?
  • How to solve performance optimization issue?
  • Methods of performance optimization techniques

The performance and the load time play an essential role in any business. This post showed how using the right compilation methods and techniques can improve the application’s performance. We saw how using change detection, lazy loading, and web workers helped us achieve great performance. Before using any of the above techniques, we must first understand the reason behind the lagging performance. So, the right approach will help us to achieve our goal. Nice one!

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Tags angular javascript web-development nodejs