Nano stores in Angular: how to make the state management simpler

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Angular now has integration for Nano Stores, an open source state manager based on the idea of atomic tree-shakable stores and direct manipulation. It is very small (from 334 bytes), has zero dependencies, and promotes moving logic from components to stores. By Nina Torgunakova.

With such stores, you don’t need to call the selector function for all components on every store change, which makes them noticeably fast.

Nowadays the concept of state management is crucial for client-side development: we need a reliable source of truth to manage data in our applications. The article then explains:

  • What do we have now (state management)?
    • RxJS
    • NgRx
    • Nano stores
  • Why is Nano stores the handiest way to manage state?

Author believes that with open source projects like this, Angular can soon get rid of boilerplate, complex definitions, and huge packages. Try using Nanostores in your Angular project to check out all these advantages for yourself. Nice one!

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