Maximizing user experience: Strategies for improving frontend performance S01-E01

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In today’s fast-paced digital world, the speed of your website can make or break the user experience. With abundant information at our fingertips, users expect websites to load quickly and efficiently. As frontend developers, it’s our responsibility to deliver a seamless experience for our users. By Gaurav Sharma.

This comprehensive tutorial on frontend performance optimization will be presented in a series of blog posts, exploring various techniques and strategies for enhancing the speed and overall user experience. Amongst others it deals with:

  • How do we measure the resource loading time of our website?
  • Compression
  • Conditional GET Requests
  • Expires
  • Keep-Alive

HTTP is built on top of Transmission Control Protocol (TCP).In early implementations of HTTP, each HTTP request required opening a new socket connection. This is inefficient because many HTTP requests in a web page go to the same server. Nice one!

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